Sunny sides

Well-calculated prices and a well-balanced product range – this successful combination has transformed Müller from a drugstore into an experience department store. At over 800 locations throughout Europe, a friendly atmosphere, expert advice and over 185,000 items invite you to enjoy shopping. Müller has an unmistakable feel for trends and the needs of its customers, particularly in the private label segment. This is also the case with the Lavozon brand, with which Müller supplies its customers with reliable sun protection and sun care products.


Summer is high season for sunscreen and the shelves are full of options for customers to buy. With such diversity, the “Lavozon” product range needs a design that visually meets the demands of modern consumers and holds its own on the shelf, even alongside strong A-brands.


We turn packaging design into a real brand booster! To make it easier to quickly reach onto the shelf, we use learned color coding to differentiate between the various products. Relevant information such as sun protection factor is positioned at the consumer’s eye level. Additional splashes of color in a watercolor look and light and airy illustrations make you want to go on vacation and turn the product into a trendy must-have for the beach. The sun logo composition is particularly radiant: Lavozon is easily recognizable from afar and confidently pushes past the competition into the customer’s field of vision.

The little 1×1 of marketing: Just click and look it up!