Conversion tracking

On the trail of your customers

We all have visions and goals – including your website! After all, it should not only look good and work well, but also contribute to the success of your company. The solution: a tool for monitoring success, conversion tracking. As part of website analytics, conversion tracking refers to the measurement of the effectiveness with which the addressed target group is motivated to perform a certain action.

How to turn visitors into customers

Whether it’s the generation of a new lead, a download, the length of time a visitor stays on your site, a newsletter subscription or a purchase: a conversion is an action that you have defined as beneficial in advance. This is considered to have been achieved when a website visitor is converted into a customer by filling out a contact form, placing an order or completing any other action that is economically beneficial to the company. What constitutes a conversion for you can therefore be defined individually.

Since every website is different and pursues different goals, not every action that can be triggered should be regarded as equivalent. We therefore differentiate between micro and macro conversions. If your website is an online store, the difference is easy to explain: a purchase is a macro conversion. If a visitor is potentially interested in making a purchase and therefore signs up for the newsletter on the website in order to be informed about current offers, we speak of a micro conversion. Micro conversions help to track your customer’s paths on the website so that a remarketing strategy can be derived from this.

In addition to conversions, we also analyze the conversion rate for you. This indicates what percentage of your website visitors have actually made a conversion (conversions : interactions = xx %). After all, we don’t just want to generate traffic to your site, we want measurable success!

How efficient is your online presence?

We use special tools to track conversions. To do this, we first place a code snippet that captures the user data that is important for the conversion. If a successful conversion is determined, it is forwarded to the corresponding tracking tool (e.g. Google Analytics or Google Ads), which counts the incoming conversions in real time.
In e-commerce, this makes it possible to determine important parameters that influence the turnover achieved, for example the ratio of orders to visitors (order conversion rate), orders to order processes started (order abandonment rate) or the ratio of registered and non-registered buyers (registration conversion rate).

Beim klassischen Conversion-Tracking wird die Conversion dem Punkt zugeordnet, mit dem der Kunde zuletzt interagiert hat (Last-Click-Attribution). However, this approach does not do justice to the entirety of the customer journey, which is often not a very straightforward path. This means that the contribution of earlier touchpoints falls by the wayside. A centralized and cross-channel attribution solution may therefore be preferable. With multi-channel attribution, several channels are included in the tracking. This gives you valuable information on how often the targets you defined were achieved and which media, devices and sources were particularly effective in convincing potential customers. This in turn facilitates the optimization of ongoing campaigns and measures, also with regard to their keywords.

Last but not least, sales naturally provide information about the efficiency of an advertising medium. The value per cost figure is comparable to the return on investment (ROI). Depending on the tool, this key figure is also given as a key performance indicator (KPI).

Tracking in times of GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation places certain legal requirements on the use of conversion tracking tools. The criteria for the consent requirement for tracking are clearly defined. Legal conformity has one major advantage: it also creates trust among users. And this is particularly important in view of the increase in digital data processing. With the Melters advertising agency’s digital team, you have a reliable partner at your side who not only has the technical know-how, but also the legal expertise. We measure the success of your digital strategy – and optimize them continuously! Can we convert you from reader to customer?