
When does a website relaunch make sense?

Have you ever considered a website relaunch? Or have you already decided that it’s time?

The motto here is: Don’t act too hastily! It is important to have a clear goal in mind, especially at the beginning. What makes a company think about a relaunch in the first place? Is the technology outdated, the design not appealing or the findability on Google not optimal? Or is it a mix of several factors? We’ll find out together with you!

Everyone knows that a company’s web presence is more important than ever these days. It is a business card, virtual consultant and digital business at the same time, the mirror of your company, so to speak. In addition, most customers use the Internet to find out about services, products and their prices, which is why your own website is an even more important point of contact. Of course, a website should not only provide information, but also attract new customers and generate leads in the long term. If this does not happen with the current website, a relaunch may make sense. But what needs to be considered here?


Intensive planning is the key

A relaunch can quickly make a company’s forehead break out in a cold sweat. After all, there is a lot to consider. Content such as images, texts and graphics need to be restructured and presented. Navigation and usability must be taken into account. There are many technical hurdles to overcome. And that’s not all by any means. But with careful planning and a competent, reliable partner at your side, none of this is a problem! And that’s exactly who we are for your relaunch project.

For many companies, it is particularly important that their website has a visually appealing design. But what’s the point if the site looks pretty but there’s no traffic, leads or sales? The reason for this is often that user-centricity and search engine optimization in particular are not given sufficient consideration during the relaunch. You should therefore concentrate fully on all the points to be dealt with and always allow enough time. Whether for design, programming, SEO or content planning. After all, good planning is the be-all and end-all, especially for a website relaunch, and saves a lot of rework in the end.

Here you should always keep in mind that the result does not primarily have to please the company for which the website is being given a new coat of paint. The primary focus should be on the user or potential customer, as this is ultimately the decisive factor in whether the relaunch is successful. Together with you, we determine in advance which target group is to be addressed with which objective and in which parameters we measure the success of the measures at the end.

But even after the relaunch, our work is far from over: a new website is not set in stone, but is constantly growing and changing. Running a website is a challenge that requires continuous work. And we are there for you from start to finish: from the initial idea of the relaunch to the live launch and optimization afterwards. It is always important to us that you are integrated into the entire process – this is how we achieve the best possible result with guaranteed success!